My Beauty Diary Mask seller/supplier
Step 1 : Read our terms & condition before purchase 请读了我们的条规才购买
Step 2 : Email us your order list 用Email寄你的订单给我们
Step 3 : Receive our confirmation and we will give you our bank details and amount of purchase. 收到我们的确认后,我们将给你我们的银行户口资料和你所需付的钱。
Step 4 : Bank in or bank transfer the money to us. After that notify us once you have make your payment (ex: amount, time, date, bank location) 转帐或汇钱给我们。然后通知我们,(example: 终共,时间,日期,银行地点)
Step 5 : Receive our confirmation and wait your goods to arrive :)
我们会确认,然后你等你的货品送到家门口 :)

Attention: Any balance from cash deposit will be returned along with the delivery of goods. So you MUST bank in the exact amount or more to us. Thanks for cooperation.

- Bank Deposit
- Bank Transfer
(We will send our bank account number to you once you have made your order)

Public Bank
- Bank Deposit
- Bank Transfer
(We will send our bank account number to you once you have made your order)

Email us once you have make your payment.
Example: your name, the location of the bank, amount, time & date

Important - Terms & condition
Please read our term & conditions before making your purchase

◆Product will be inspect before post out, if it is lost or damage during the sending process, we will not be responsible.

◆Product cannot be exchange or return after post out, not refundable. Refund only will be making if we run out of stock.

◆Buy at your own risk. We are not responsible of any discomfort, infection, or any injuries to your face.

◆100% full payment must be made before the closing date. Strictly NO cancellation after payment made. Buyers have to bear all postage fees.

◆汇款后我们将会在 2-5 天内寄出货物,每位顾客的订单资料我们都会做详细的记录。请放心,我们并不会忽略任何订单。货到了我们将会马上安排并寄出。
◆After your payment is received, we will post out the stock in 2-5 days time due to our busy schedule. We have to do the specification record of every customer. Won't any order will be ignored. Don't worry, orders will not be ignored. As soon as the stock arrives we will manage and post out immediately.

◆Kindly deposit the amount of the money needed in 3 days after you have placed order. Otherwise, your order will be cancelled.

◆After you have bank in the payment amount, kindly inform us the date and amount of the payment that you have bank in. Otherwise, we won't know whether you have already made your payment (bank in) to us. [for payment secure reasons]

For any inquiry, please contact us [email protected]